archive 2016


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city Moscow
region Moscow
14 1 5610
title Symmetry

People from Moscow underground
I am working on the project People from the Moscow underground since 2012. Except holding exhibitions on this theme I won some photo competitions. As Moscow underground differs with its architecture and people, my plan is to change the prototype of Moscow underground in peoples consciousness and to show the Moscow underground to the whole world.
I spend a lot of time in the underground, taking pictures of people and this way I can feel different kinds of emotion. Photo doesnt create a magic, it just shows the life as it is and taking it you just drow a picture but you need only a second for this. I am just trying to see the life from the other side and would be happy to find something new and interesting but not only for myself. Capturing the light moments of life and emotions that will be a great memory for someone, may be, it is the reason not to stop doing what you do. I learn a lot from different kind of people, thats why I always will be thankful to this city. From my point of view, the Moscow underground is a good place to begin a photo project. This project is as deep inside me that I cant imagine my life without Moscow underground and its people. These people are my inspiration for my future work.

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Михаил Прохоров 12/26/16

"Мужчина, нельзя ли в сторону? Встали тут, понимаешь.."
P.S. Похоже на Электрозаводскую.