archive 2016


Spassky cave Church.
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city Voronezh
region Voronezh Oblast
20 2 4281
title Spassky cave Church.

150 kilometers South of Voronezh. Kostomarovo is located Svyato-Spassky convent is one of the oldest Russian monasteries, founded before the official adoption of Christianity in Russia. The oldest structure of the monastery — Church of the Savior, the entrance to which is located at the bottom of two div Cretaceous (rocks), connected by a small belfry.

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Александр Воскресенский 1/12/18

очень впечатляет, теперь хочу туда съездить

Марина Назарова 12/21/16

Маришка!!! Поздравляю!!!!